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Add Your Drop Zone

Add your DZ to SkydiveSim and train students on bad weather days

For almost 5 years we’ve been focused on making a virtual reality skydive simulator that replicates real world physics of skydiving. With the introduction of the 2.0  version of SkydiveSim in late 2023, we’ve been overwhelmed with the positive responses from the skydiving community. With expert canopy pilots consulting with us in fine tuning the canopy flight physics, we now have the most advanced and realistic virtual reality skydiving simulator on the globe! Best of all SkydiveSim costs less than the price of just one jump and is available to everyone with a Meta Quest headset.

DropZones: About

Why add your DZ

Skydiving is a great sport that depends a lot on weather conditions. Your students make the drive to your DZ, sometimes it’s a 2 to 4 hour drive for them. They are ready to do a jump but wind conditions, rain, blizzards, cold weather and much more can put a hold on their ability to learn. SkydiveSim offers the ability for the instructors to teach their students even during weather holds.
One of the biggest advantages of adding your DZ to SkydiveSim is that students can get familiar with your dropzone, without the stress of being on an actual jump. They can view the replicated 3D environment of your DZ from above, experience free fall and track away at breakoff altitude, fly their canopy under various wind conditions, practice cutaway and reserve handles, landing pattern, and finally land their virtual canopy on your dropzone. Best of all your instructor can be with them the entire time giving them live feedback and instructions to fine tune their skills.
SkydiveSim can also be a tool before jumps even on good weather days. Instructors can now dirt dive the entire jump in a virtual world with their students, without leaving anything to imagination. They can simply jump and get live feedback and make corrections before getting on the plane for the real jump.
Also because SkydiveSim is available globally, other skydivers around the world can experience jumping at your DZ before they make their way down there.
For more information please feel free contact us.

DropZones: About
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